arco Wiesbaden Telefon Sommerbörse 2007 Jugendamt Erlebnispädagogik Theaterpädagogik Tanz rauchfrei klettern Kanu Berufsbegleitende Fortbildung Spiel Lehrerfortbildung Berufliche Bildung Kurse Bewegung Improvisation Freizeiten Bewegungsbaustelle Pädagogik psychomotorisches Weiterbildung Theaterpädagogik Klassenfahrten Schulprojekte Offene Schule Teambildung Ferienspiele Raum Ausbildung interkulturelle Projekte Baumwelten Baumklettern Freizeiten regelmäßige Praktikum

 Berufsbegleitende Fortbildung    Bewegung - Spiel - Theater   INFO HIER

attitude - mime - exploration

September 08th-19th 2010
at arco, Konrad-Arndt-House, Wiesbaden

European workshop on contemporary mime with Peter Aurin and the arco team

We would like to invite adults of all ages and in every physical condition, who dream of setting a course beyond the spoken word with “attitude” and want to work on improvised attitude and learn about it.

10-day workshop
The focus will be on a real mime workshop including short street performances, a multiplicator workshop towards the end and a concluding evening performance. Subjects are the learning about the human body and motion, as well as the detection of blind spots and the play with the universal communication tools of the human body. The hidden grammar of the body will be deciphered with mime elements, some of which are known and some of which will have to be found. Images of the private and the public body will play a part with dramatic play, jeu évocative and means of modern motion theatre and will be staged in the city as well as in an evening performance. In preparation, a daily evolving body work will provide the basis for a systematic decoding of urban life: Exploring and reading the city will change the place into a living gallery – living shortcuts become attitude – an attitude with a past, pointing to the future, letting the moment of gesture sink in with the observer - mime-culturelle, corporelle, expressionelle.

Aside from progresses in dealing with the body with regard to sensitivity – perception and intuition -  means of expression in contemporary use will be trained. Language and body will be decoded and secured as work of an ensemble in the collective laboratory of motion. The participants are going to experience themselves in situations of presence and look into the signs of time within a constantly developing sensitive staging of motion.

Of particular importance is that the participants will surprise themselves with their own abilities regarding stamina, collaboration, creativity and expressiveness. During the course of this workshops the partcipants shall undergo the transition of abstract thought to expressive motion.The appetite for integrating an environment into a production shall create the drive for more and spark the fun in learning about oneself and one's motion – within a diverse group of people.

Rehearsals and performance at a historic site
Acommodations will be provided at centrally located hotels (including breakfast) within walking distance to the workshop halls.
The workshop will mostly take place in the newly obtained arco forum, a former worker's sports hall at the Konrad-Arndt-House (Konrad Arndt was arrested there by the Nazis). It used to be a repertory cinema and after a long time of closing, it is now harbouring the public theatre. Their recreation room is open to all participants.
Excursions to the pedestrian area and nearby parks are part of the learn and work conception. Catering will be provided in the foyer and at other arranged occasions and partner institutions.The quarter of Westend with the Wellritz Street in particular is the cultural heart of Wiesbaden and is waiting to be played with.

There you can get more information
Also phone: 0049 - 611 9714168

8. - 19. September 09
in Wiesbaden, germany

Trip and Workshopcosts are taken over.
Achievements: Overnight stay, catering, programme and training.
There are max. 15 places. Assignment after order
At the beginning of the registrations.

Learner application form in english as word-doc
Learner application form in english pdf formatet

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